Saturday, February 7, 2009


rear window says : Design me! haha!!

* Open to all SABD and Design School students.
* Registration fee is RM2 only, to raise fund for SABD Dinner.
* Registration should be done before 16th of February 2009.

* Theme : Upon students' creativity. Must identify with SABD and Design School.
* Design has to include Name/ Student ID, Contact number and incorporate Taylor's logo (No limitation of size).
* Design has to be within the area of 30 cm x 20 cm, in only 3 colours
and in 300 dpi resolution.
* Contestants are allowed to submit as many designs as they like upon registering once only.

* There are 2 methods of designing : (i) Photoshop (ii) Sketching (A4 paper)
* Photoshop Designs can be submitted online to (e-mail adress will be confirmed soon) by 27th Feb 2009.
* Sketch Designs can be submitted into the submission box located at Program Office on 27 Feb 2009.

Prizes :

1st Prize :
* Free Participation in PAM/ ID CAMP 2009.
* Cash Prize of RM 150.
* Design will be mass-printed and sold.
* Vouchers.
* STEPS Book '08.

2nd Prize :
* Cash Prize of RM 100.
* Vouchers.
* STEPS Book 'o8.

3rd Prize :
* Cash Prize of RM 50.
* Vouchers.
* STEPS Book '08.

Consolation Prizes (x3) : Vouchers.

Registration Procedure :
Interested students can register with the following people :

Semester 6 : David Ooi.
Semester 5 : Najat.
Semester 4 : Linda.
Semester 3 : Jun Win.
Semester 2 : Lawrence.
Semester 1 : Nikketa/ Cindy.
FNBE (Foundation in Natural Built Environment) : Je Yue.

Contact Person :

Jun Win 0123178011
Lo Ki Jun 0123869130
Linda 0172432606

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