our days are numbered..
one of the preachers in my church told us the story of a young boy who was blind. He sat at the side of the street every morning, along with a broken bowl and a sign which states, "Please help me, I'm blind", but all he gets was a coin every hour or so, or maybe not get any at all. One day, a man saw him and went towards the boy's directions. He picked up the sign and wrote a few words on it and walked away. After that, coins begin to fill up the boy's bowl. He was curious and did not understand why.
On the same day as the man walked along the same street again, the boy immediately called out to him as he recognised his footsteps, "Sir, were u the one who took my sign and wrote something on it this morning? The money kept coming in after you left! What exactly did you wrote on it?" And the man replied him, I only wrote a few words....
"Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it...."
It touched my heart so deep that it made me wonder what actually happens at the other side of the world which we do not see or hear or care less other than ourselves?
Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed by the needs around me. When we're riding in the car, I look out and see a homeless person at the corner begging for change. When I turn on the TV, there's another commercial about the starving kids in Africa, their eyes hollow, their stomachs big and bloated. How can I help these people? I feel like my little bit of change won't do much for them. It might help temporarily, but what about tomorrow?
Lord, I know you have a heart for the needy and that your own heart aches when you see people hurting. And I know it pleases you when I feel that same compassion for others, when I stop and listen to someone's who's hurting and mneeds to talk or when I give generously as the offering plate is passed to help a family in crisis. Thank you Lord for the loving kindness you pour out on all people. You know the heart-cry of every person, and you are always waiting to help all those who ask.
Have any of you ever wonder what does love look liks?
Let me tell you this, it has hands to help others!
It has feet to hasten to the poor and needy!
It has eyes to see misery and want!
It has ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men!
And that is what love looks like!