Friday, May 22, 2009

quan's ice cream house =D!

im already missing u guys so much!!!
p/s: black n white is so cool! hahahah!!

9 of us zoom-ed to QUAN cafe last tuesday for abby and jiyang's farewell

sad wei!!!!
bought them each a comforter xD awww!!!

and weekiat's face is chopped off! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!
sorry bro..i sengaja one! hahaha xDDD kiddin xD

duno y i kept shaking!! aite !

future billionaire or failure to become a billionaire? HAHAHAHAHH!!!!!!

Yuen cheng, abby, me, sookmian, waimun!!! and half jiyang -.-!!! haha!!

p/s: i love u all!!! hugs banyak banyak!! =D
i took many more pictures actually...jiyang larrr! send half to me only! hahaha!!!

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