Friday, July 25, 2008

2.24 am

Holidays are ovahhh !
Sometimes I look forward to starting college again but;
Sometimes I wonder too, not being able to cope;
Sometimes I feel left behind; time;
But most of the time I wasted time;
Sometimes I feel good about myself;
But most of the time I feel intimidated by others;
Sometimes I cry to express my sorrows;
Sometimes I smile to hide my feelings;
Sometimes I compliment others;
But most of the time I don't compliment myself;
Sometimes I just can't imagine myself actually doing this;
But most of the time I look back and laugh;
Sometimes I wonder why do I have so many friends who care;
But isn't it good? I love each one of them wholeheartedly;
Sometimes I feel I don't deserve the attention;
But most of the time, attention comes naturally;
Sometimes I just like being alone; in the cold;
But most of the time I hated the cold;
Sometimes I try to be like others;
But most of the time I fail;
This is because each one of us is made special in the eyes of God;
Most of the time, I did things my way;
and that mattered the most,
being myself and;
not afraid of anything that comes in between.

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