Subject : Design Studio
1st class of the year : Tuesday : Was a surprise Site Visit to KL PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE!!
woo hoo!!! cool huh! bus left college at 930! reached at 10....
worked till 4 HAHA!
Activity : work..LOL!! hahah ! we had to put up an ART INSTALLATION !!! and it has to be done by this SUNDAY!! woowww!!
2nd day : Thursday : work again! haha! we had PICNIC @ the garden area =D
(pics will be posted soon when I'm in the mood) xD
p/s: how i wish i wasn't SO BLUR ....that i forgot to apply SUN BLOCK! OMG
how smart of me..haha! (marie..stop laughing at yrself PLEASE....thank u..)
*~*rierie*~* says : precious white WHITE!!! skin gone edi loh!! T_______Tt
now my hand looks like a CARROT ok! omg! i wanna die edi...
A CARROT !!!!!!!! LOL!!
kijun says : wahaha! better dun run acorss any rabbits yah! ROFL
*~*rierie*~* says : u lameeeee!!
kijun says : learn from u !! looool!! haha!
*~*rierie*~* says : yer! im sooooo blogging this man! xDD
kijun says : if u blog den NO GOSSIP GIRL !!!!!!! HAHAHA!
*~*rierie*~* says : (shut up edi..... (silence....)) HAHAHA IM BLOGGING IT RIGHT NOW! lol!! xD
*~*rierie*~* says : my skin cacat edi lo...!!! omg! u see u seeeeee!! aiyoh
voyager says : my skin is BURNTTTT!!
*~*rierie*~* says : haiya..u guy ok one mah..i girl worr! not pretty edi..haih so sad wei..
voyager says : i guy what wor...!! i want pretty skin too!! >.<
*~*rierie*~* has nothing to say..HAHAHAHAHAHHA! ~ speechless edi ~~~
how marie solved this complication...
she went over to Midvalley after the event to meet up with 2 of her best friends ~kit yeng and yuen cheng and when she finally feels the itch and with the terror of the carrot looking hands...she went to EVERY SKIN SHOP be it elianto..the body food..and a few other unknowns and tried on EVERY hand cream product (moisturisers) hoping that everything would turn out ok but she's just deceiving herself..oh would be less carrot-ty after a week or so she hoped.. this is because she called her mom after the itch to tell her about the ITCH!! ouch!! and her mom told her to go down to guardian or watson to get moisturisers asap LAH but because shes just TOOO thrifty/stingy/maybe shes broke in a cantonese "hou ku hon" she decided not to BUY but rather..yeah..u know..haha!
On the bright side : shes acheived more than 5 layers of cream over her hands and neck.
Regret : she dare not/more precisely..didn't know how to apply it on her legs with the sales girls following her around 24/7.
Conclusion : She IS STILL TANNED! babinyer..
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