Saturday, January 24, 2009

KL PAC's open Day!!

This is SoOO cool!!!! (we pulled Mr. Kid in too!! ) haha
KiJun the chinaman
Rynn the Mexican lady
Felix is so SHOCKED cox..
Stacie has HAIR!! haha
Marie the candy gurl
Mr Kid the lecturer! xD
i look so short!! (i need more MILK!!) -.-
LAME JOKE.. how to turn milk into cheese? HAHA! don't know leh..
put a cup of milk on the table....and take out yr camera....
THEN say "CHEESEEEE!!" (snap**!) ~~ HAHA! super lame (credits to my super lame senior ~ Kai Ri!) ~ yeah..her name rhymes with curry! ahah!

Us with our installation! This is definitely not the only guys who did the entire installation man!!
There are almost 20 more! hahaha!!!! and we completed it in just 3 days!!! WOW!!

felix looking at hot girls? hahaha nola..hes just looking at the hot sun..-.-

Another installation by the Degree students! =D it is made up of straws!! omg! col rite!!

JUMP ppl!!

1ST time feeling tall among them..hahaha!
p/s: look at Jon's pose.. hahahha! so cute!! >.<

i just love the green and would be my theme for my new house's living room!!!!

say hi to JEE YEONG! haha! he's the one who did the straw installation thing! =D

reminds me of fishballs ~

OUR ping pong ball installation! awwww....we're just SO PROUD that KL PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE is willing to leave the installation there for another month!!
how cool is that man!

its seemed like hes chasing a bus or something..HAHA

lin lin ~!

people stopping by and look! omg! thats AWESOME!!

floating fishballs!!

jon's so FUNNY!!

random shots of a little girl sitting at a platform outside the toilet! haha!

Priceless Expressions

can u spot the snake? HAHAHAHAHAHAH
and the monkey....

PussyCatDolls? HAHA!! xD


really PRICELESS LAR this this! comes the PERASAN BOY !!! HAHAHAHAHA!!
nice shot for carlsberg though..

another set of installation by the seniors!! the "WIND CHIMES" haha!
p/s: did he spoil the picture? HAAHa!! no comment man~

1st installation : the straws
2nd installation : (down) wind chimes
3rd and final installation : the sea of balls!! (done by us =D )!!


him again..haih! HAAHAH!

the band who played a JAY CHOU song!! awww...
i know its dedicated to me (cries **!)

This is sooo CUTE! my favourite fruit ! aww!!!

yeah keeps shit coming!!!! HAHAHAHA! (its good for constipation though! >.<)

the straw installation is AMAZINGly AWESOME from every perspective!

aww..lai ming had to head home to meet her sister ...yeah..left at about 2pm that day T_T

so the drama lor
is the NEGARA-KU song playing anywhere? HAHA!

the lame ZYang and babi Chi Ming! hahaha!

marie is actually doing the same exact pose at him...LOL!!!
i took his picture and HE TOOK MINE! AHAHAHAH! SO LAME LOR!!!

Ki Jun wearing his favourite green tea colour!

Aiman the PBAO CHOI! hahaha!!!

this picture is much nicer though ...i like it this way~

sleeping or what? HAHA!

MY (or rather OURS **ahem..u know who la**) FAVOURITE LECTURER!!
MR. HONG! ~cheers!! candids! ##

is he taking my picture? HAAHAH! (ohkayy..woi!! stop perasan-ning!!)!!!

the boys!! felix so faarnie lar!

nah..this is LI QUN a.k.a. REIN-ass? (according to his lame friend called aaron chew..) HAHAAH! Hes the one who designed the floating balls installation!!!
we're so glad that we helped out! xD and DO WE HAVE INSURANCE FOR BURNT SKIN?
T_________T! was worth the burns! and the 2 tone skin colour ! and the heat!! and........ i could go on..HAHA but.. it was soooooooooooo fun!! got our 1st 10% (if Li Qun Mr Hong gives us all full marks!) for our STUDIO 1 subject! =DD
HI pbao choi....yeah..he asks us 2 call him cabbage..LOL! IN CANTONESE!!
click to enlarge!! haahah!
**The Perception of Performing Arts**~ yeah man! !!!
the installation board!! hahaahh!!
OUR NAMES!! (awww!!!!)
Special Thanks to Taylors College Diploma Students who gave extraordinary effort and sacrificed much time to help, and even more special thanks to
Stacie, Felix, KiJun, MARIE (claps! xD), ZhiYing, Rynn, Justin, Jonathan, Jason, PuiCheng, Siti Aiman, Douglas, **LaiMENG** (typo giler! haha!), ZheWei, FionaTen, ChongChen, YuanLu (rynn and yuanlu is actually the same girl) HAHA!, Rebecca, Chantelle, Lei-Ling, MeganLai, SuYiean, Daphne, WaiSie, HueiLiq, WenHarn, Benny, XingYi, Aaron, Gordon, Sherman, ChoongWai and AMAN from semester 1 (yeah..its the pbao choi..Aiman : eh! why he named me "peace" aman= peace..LOLnyer)!!

look at the cool contour !

lai ming merajuk cox LIQUN spelled her name wrongly T_T!

the malay dance at KLPAC!

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